viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

Love Percentage

Love PercentageHow true is your love? Is it destined to last forever? Take this quiz and find out.

3 comentarios:

  1. Sizes, colors, designs and prints are plentiful & plethoric. There is something for everyone and everything for someone. From those summer shoe to the graceful cashmere woolen feather shoes, if you are really a fashion fanatic, you should give a thought of buying Isabel Marant Shoes.

  2. Designer pen stands as other significant men’s accessories which have carried men’s fashion statement to another level altogether. Most men have weakness for pens. The designer pens come with a sheer intangible and mysterious sense of joy and stylish grace which almost instantly boost the man’s innate confidence whenever and wherever he carries the exquisite designer pen.

  3. Going shopping with a toddler is definitely not for the faint of heart. As any mom knows, not shopping is really not an option. We all survive on it and some of us thrive on it. I have my fair share of war stories culled from my experiences of venturing into the shopping world with active toddlers. I remember one trip to the mall with my three year old toddler and his six month old baby sister. My son kept begging me to go up the escalator, but with a newborn baby in a stroller there was no physical way for me to do it. He decided to take matters in his own hands, and when I passed the escalator he broke out of my hand and stepped right on. I can't even explain the heart-stopping fear I experienced when I realized my precious son was on his way up, by himself! Should I abandon the baby and race after him? Which kid to I leave alone? It only took a split second before a good samaritan, who I am forever indebted to, took his hand and called down to me that she will accompany him up and bring him back down. Trembling below I watched their progress, praying that she would indeed bring him down, and not snatch him up and run for it when she reaches the top. She did bring him right down, but that was it the mall. One can shop online quite wonderfully. It was only when that child began school that I once again stepped into the mall, but only with one child a time.
